Virtual Learning

As Goochland County Public Schools increases virtual course offerings, we encourage students to seek assistance from their school guidance counselor to meet their academic needs with online options. Using the following guidelines, students wishing to earn credit through virtual course offerings will find a growing opportunity of options:

1. The prerequisites to take an online course are counselor recommendation and parent permission. Counselors will take into consideration a student’s attendance record, behavior, grades and credit status when making their recommendation. In addition, the request to earn credit through a virtual learning source must be approved the school principal or his/her designee.

2. Courses must be approved before the student begins the course.

3. A teacher, counselor, or administrator must proctor quizzes, tests and exams. Arrangements are the responsibility of the student and must be approved by your school counselor. Your counselor will help you understand the arrangements that are needed.

4. Tuition, fees and material costs vary by the source of the online course and may be the responsibility of the student. Your counselor will be able to help you understand the difference between those provided by GCPS and those that are the responsibility of the student/parent.

5. Students must take any corresponding SOL tests as required by graduation requirements.

6. Official transcripts that report the completion of an online course for graduating seniors must be in the guidance office by May 1st.

The following sources have been used by students in the past. Our approval for courses will be based on the accreditation of the institution.


The GHS Course Guide currently lists several online classes offered within the current schedule using Edgenuity coursework:

These are expanding based on student interest and need; a full listing of course offerings is available from your counselor. Edgenuity coursework is available online 365/24/7. These are unique classes that allow students to self-pace their learning while completing required credits for graduation.

Student grades will come from their work in the online class. Much like an independent study course, they will individually work their way through the curriculum with online video lectures, lab activities and assessments, journaling, vocabulary, searching for online information, and quizzes/tests. They will also be able to actively monitor their status and get instant feedback on their progress.

The GCPS Edgenuity Course Syllabus and Procedures will be available from your guidance counselor starting Fall 2014.

Virtual Virginia

As a program of the Virginia Department of Education, Virtual Virginia (VVa) offers online Advanced Placement (AP®), world language, core academic, and elective courses to students across the Commonwealth and nation. Virtual Virginia is committed to providing high-quality, rigorous course content with the flexibility to meet schools’ and students’ varied schedules.

Reynolds Community College

Bringham Young University

Department of Independent Study

800-914-8931 or email

University of Virginia, University of Illinois and others have available offerings. Your guidance counsellor can help you with your options.