View the official judging sheet for the Living World category here.

View the student checklist for the Living World category here.

View the official category description for the Living World category here.

Here are the "must-haves" for an effective Living Things investigation:

  • Most of the projects submitted in this category will be traditional scientific investigations. Use of the Science & Engineering Practices is expected.

  • Please include a log of your progress through your whole process. This can be in electronic form or using a log-book.

  • Your display should summarize all of your work through the process and needs to highlight each step in the scientific method.

  • Please include graphs and/or images where appropriate.

  • Include materials lists, cited sources for research, procedures, etc.

"Science is a dynamic and iterative process which is not adequately represented by simple linear recipes."

The diagram below, produced at UC Berkeley, is a more accurate view of how scientists do their work than the traditional scientific method. Click here to use a tool that allows you to document the process of producing your STEM Expo project. You can even save this file to use in your final STEM Expo presentation! For more on how science works, watch this video!

Sample science inquiry questions for the Living Things category:

  • Does caffeine affect plant growth?

  • Does the color of light affect plant growth?

  • Does the age of seeds affect germination?

  • Does diet affect your body's pH?

  • Are insects attracted to heat or light?