Cybersmart T3

Try a Cybersmart Challenge and share on your blog!

Week 7: We are learning how to record, save and share a screencast

To help us learn the skills we will record ourselves reading a text we have prepared earlier.

This will help us focus on using our device and the screencast app confidently.

When we are reading our text we need to think about:

Notice exclamation marks, question marks and keywords e.g. 

How to Embed a Video in Edublogs.mp4
Screencast: Recording Your Screen

Practise recording your screen 

When you are ready to share embed your screencast on your blog.

Week 6: Create and Share on your blog then comment on a post from one of Room 9's blogs.

Matariki Picture with Google Drawings

Our challenge is to comment on our buddy class or individual blog every week this term. When you leave a comment on a class or learner blog submit your comment here so we can tally them up for the term.

Week 4: Writing a helpful comment and adding some more information.

Thoughtful Comments

Week 3: Writing a thoughtful comment and making a connection.

Thoughtful Comments

Week 2: Writing a blog comment using positive words

Blog Comments Positive Vocab

Your turn - Try the Cybersmart Challenge: Quality Blog Comments and share on your blog.

Week 1: Sharing with our Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu Team