Week 9: Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week activities are on the blog for you to try
Week 9: Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week activities are on the blog for you to try
Register to participate and our commenting team will be able to find your blog, leave comments and allocate points towards prizes.
Week 8: Cybersmart learners know how to select and mix different apps to create their own media.
Week 8: Cybersmart learners know how to select and mix different apps to create their own media.
Room 9 can confidently use Google Draw. Today we will explore using an online drawing tool.
We will draw an object or character that can be duplicate, resized and mixed with other Apps.
Week 6: Recommending a favourite film to share on your blog.
Week 6: Recommending a favourite film to share on your blog.
Make a copy of this Google Doc to craft your recommendation
Share your recommendations as a blog post
Reminder - follow each step to check you have included all the elements of a blog post.
Use elements of film to help us write quality comments. Explore each of the elements below. Can you identify an example of one element from a favourite film to share?
Use elements of film to help us write quality comments. Explore each of the elements below. Can you identify an example of one element from a favourite film to share?
Explore some of the films from previous Manaiakalani Film Festivals below.
Explore some of the films from previous Manaiakalani Film Festivals below.
Choose one film to draft a quality comment. Focus on commenting on a specific element of the film.
Choose one film to draft a quality comment. Focus on commenting on a specific element of the film.
Share and discuss with a buddy and your class.
Share and discuss with a buddy and your class.
Use the slide deck to craft comments next week for the film festival.
Use the slide deck to craft comments next week for the film festival.