Teach Me Tuesday

Teach Me Tuesday

This Term we have decided to share our talents and practise our Oral Language skills through 'Teach Me Tuesday' Students have planned their lessons with the aim of teaching Room 4 about something we are passionate about.

  • Please see the timetable to the left
  • See below for photos and student plans

Some amazing ideas and sharing. It is fantastic to see each child gain confidence through teaching, organisation and speaking in a safe environment. I am very proud of all your effort. Great to see so many of you taking initiative; making your lessons interactive - Miss B

Ciara Bresler - Template

Ciara taught Room 4 about South Africa

South Africa
Olivia Farhana Farhana - Template

Olivia taught shared about Indonesia...


Lana taught us about Rabbits!

Lana IDAIS - Template
Teach me tuesday
Muhammad (Haikal) SOBARNA - Template

Haikal shared the benefits of Boxing and Cardio...

Taj McAlister - Template

We learnt about Dinosaurs from Taj

Pawai taught us how to make traditional Poi!

Pawai MANSILL - Template
Untitled presentation

Lexi shared her passion for Ice Cream with the class...

Lily is teaching us about wolves


Tyrone sharing his skills in coding

Sam taught Room 4 how to use scratch

Sam LEGG - Teach me Tuesday - Slide

Isaiah shared and taught a karakia

Josh taught us how read a recipe

Joshua FREEMAN - Template



Halie taught us about the mystery of Dinosaurs

Halie ENCELA - Template


Why China is a great country

Lubing shared about China