May 26-29

Kahoot game

Practice the colors and days of the week in Spanish.

game link:

Game pin: 08600445

Kahoot game

game link:

game pin: 01499641

Mariposas 2.mp4

Las mariposas

Listen to the non-fiction story about butterflies to review the vocabulary in Spanish.

Los días de la semana

Sing along with Johanna to practice the days of the week in Spanish!

lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, domingo

Días de la semana oruga.pdf

Los días de la semana oruga

After practicing the days of the week, see if you can put them in order and practice saying each word in Spanish. If you don't have a printer, you can write the days on a piece of paper.

Butterfly life cycle craft

oruga 1.pdf
oruga 3.pdf
oruga 2.pdf

The Very Hungry Caterpillar