Grade One

Proficiency Target: Novice

In first grade, students receive Spanish instruction two times a week for 25 minutes with lessons centered on the essential question: “Who am I? How do we name things in a different language?” Students learn the Spanish language and Hispanic culture through direct instruction, stories, poems, songs, games, and activities. Students who meet expectations in first grade can communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases that they have practiced and memorized. The topics covered in first grade include colors, numbers, shapes, family members, weather and more. Students can recognize some familiar words and phrases from these topics when they hear them spoken or see them written. Students can also introduce themselves, say hello and goodbye, express how they are feeling, and respond to simple questions.

Our main areas of focus are:

  • How do people greet one another in Spanish?

  • How do I introduce myself?

  • How can I ask someone their name?

  • How can I ask how someone is feeling? And how can I answer if someone asks how I am feeling?

  • How do I name things including colors, numbers, shapes, my body parts and family members in Spanish?