

Below you will find some helpful information about our classroom!

(Topics are listed in alphabetical order)


I look forward to celebrating your child's birthday with him/her! Please note that food is not allowed as part of our celebration due to allergies.  If you would like to send in something for your child's birthday, I would recommend a wrapped "gift" book that will be donated to our classroom library. If your child has a summer birthday, we will choose a day to celebrate in school!  


I communicate regularly through email, but also use the SeeSaw app to keep families up to date with what is happening the classroom! Please download the app below! I will provide you with login information to access your child's site. 

Your child will also bring home a folder each day that will contain notices and work they have completed. Please make sure to empty your child's folder and return it to school each day.  Folders are checked each morning for blue notes and any other documents you may need to send in. 

Daily Schedule

A typical day in Kindergarten includes: 


Lunch & Snack

We are a nut-free classroom! 

Scholastic Book Club

You will receive book club catalogs monthly in your child's folder. However, you can shop any time, from any catalog (not just Kindergarten), and the orders will get shipped directly to me. If you would like to order gifts for your child, please let me know in advance and I can contact you when the order arrives! 

Every time you shop, our classroom earns rewards!

Click on the image to the right to visit the website.  Our class code is KWPQX.  

Sunshine of the Day!

Each child will have a special day during the month when they are the Sunshine of the Day and class helper. This is a great opportunity for your child to shine! They will also share their monthly sharing activity.
