logo with large letters STEAM with drawings inside and text:  Glastonbury Public Schools

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics

A bold vision to prepare the next generation for careers and colleges in 2030 and beyond.


Slideshow:  GHS STEAM Lab Space 

Go Baby Go! 

Student Project Featured in Glastonbury Life

Glastonbury Life May 2023 Go Baby Go.pdf

Opening Celebration
Click below for hype video courtesy of donor Brian Summers!

Construction Complete

Over 3,000 square feet of Glastonbury High School has been transformed into a modern STEAM Lab. Hundreds of students are now learning in the lab every day. 

The Lab is equipped with advanced manufacturing equipment, traditional tools, a full-size robotics field, coding equipment, collaborative spaces, and project storage space. 

This construction project was completed on time and within budget. It was funded primarily through federal and state grants along with generous donor support

The STEAM Lab is preparing students for the careers and colleges that await them.

photo of 3 students working in GHS STEAM Lab
photo of student crouched down in GHS STEAM Lab next to robot and colored blocks
group photo of students in GHS STEAM Lab smiling and holding event program

Board of Education column celebrating the GHS STEAM Lab Opening

BOE STEAM Presentation 4-25-22.pdf

Presentation on K-12 STEAM initiatives and progress.

Glastonbury LIFE STEAM.pdf

Glastonbury Life feature article on the GHS STEAM Lab project.