Fall 2024 FAQ's

What do I need to do before?

You can access the GHS Athletics page for registration information and forms. All paperwork must be submitted through the athletic office. The coaches will not accept any paperwork the day of tryouts.

What is the criteria for making one of the teams?

All players will be assessed on their technical/tactical abilities; field awareness; attitude; ability to motivate self/others; fitness; mental toughness and ability to work well with others/coach ability. We seek student-athletes for varsity that will fit into our philosophy and culture.

Our players come from all different backgrounds and different experiences in youth soccer.  Our team is commonly composed of players who have come from different clubs, local travel, and local recreational levels.  Our team often is composed of players who are new to Glastonbury or grew up playing soccer in from areas all over the world.

Do all players trying out make a team?

No, not all players trying out for the three teams (Freshmen, JV, Varsity) will be selected.  Our coaching staff  will determine which level  each player fits into best and how many players at each level benefits the program.  These determinations will be on-going and possibly fluid during the season.  We want to give each player an opportunity to be successful.  With a large amount of players coming out for the team, we unfortunately aren't able to select everyone.

Specific tests all players are evaluated on?

What are the speed and strength requirements or expectations?  How can each player be prepared?

Speed & Strength are integral parts of the game of soccer.  We evaluate all components during the preseason for all players and continue to improve on the components during the season.  Testing during the preseason includes; (but isn't limited to....)

*1 mile timed run (track)       *40 yard Dash

*2 mile timed run (track)        *Pacer Test

*Interval training (track)    *300 yard Dash

Players best opportunity to prepare is to "practice" these tests very regularly during the off-season.  Players should look to slowly improve numbers leading into tryouts. (Preseason should not be your first time on the track with a stopwatch.....)  Our team also has opportunities to work out with Strength & Conditioning Coach Zach Bohling to practice and perform many of the strength tests prior to the season.

What can I specifically work on to prepare for tryouts/player selections?

Players should find areas in their own game to look to improve.  Create a focused and progressive training platform which will look to specifically improve a few aspects of your play.  Off-foot development, speed, and technical skills are some good examples.

Who can I reach out to for information during the preseason months?

Questions about registration, signing up, etc.? 



Questions about preseason player opportunities, fitness expectations, etc.?

Contact one of our Fall 2024 current captains:

Senior Tim McGuire 25mcguiret@students.glastonburyus.org

Senior Patrick Butler  25butlerp@students.glastonburyus.org

Parent Questions?

Kathy McGuire ghsboyssoccer2023@gmail.com

Questions about overall program?

Contact HC Chris Vozzolo: vozzoloc@glastonburyus.org