Gillotts DofE

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Gillotts School

Students have been completing Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver awards at Gillotts since 2017.  We are proud of their achievements and wish everyone taking part in the scheme every success. 

 For enquiries about Gillotts DofE email : 

DofE manager at Gillotts school: Mrs A Michael 

Bronze DofE 2023-24 Information for parents - video links:

We recommend watching the videos below which explain how DofE awards work. 

DofE Officer introduction - Reasons to do your DofE and what it entails

BXM expeditions introduction - For details on the expedition section, training and buying kit

Dofe at Gillotts - information on how DofE is run at Gillotts school and where to go for support

Parent information online sessions run by DofE - no need to book, just click on the link on the poster at the time of the session you want to join. With Q & A session.  Sessions from October to December. 

The DofE website has infomation, advice and answers to questions you may have about your DofE journey.  

There are regular drop-in session each Tuesday break time in S3 for anyone with questions, needing ideas or advice. 

eDofE account

You will manage your activities using your eDofE account. 

There is an app for this and you can access it on a computer

A link to a video on using your account is here

Completing your activities

Instructions for what to send to your assessor when asking them to complete your assessor report online

Send them the link,  There is a link here to a video of how to complete the assessor report which you could also send them. 

They will also need the following information:

This list and template for emailing your assessor can be found here.

Discuss with them what you have achieved during your time and how you feel it went. They can write comments about your approach to the activity and achievements. 

Acting as your assessor is an important role, DofE could not be run without them, so please thank them for supporting you. 

Bronze award requirements

For Bronze award you need to complete 1 hour a week for each of the  3 sections - 2 for 3 months, one for 6 months and the 2 day practice and assessed expeditions. 

Silver award requirements

For Silver award you need to complete the 3 sections for longer durations. The expedition consists of 3 days hiking with 2 nights camping. 

Gold award requirements

We hope that you go on to complete Gold award at another centre once you leave Gillotts. 

It would be a great thing to work towards in 6th Form. 


Expeditions are run by BXM expeditions (Bronze and Silver)

Use the link for details on what you need to bring (eg food, cooking pot, rucksack, sleeping bag, sleep mat and walking boots) and what will be supplied (tent, map, cooking stove)

BXM run Open Expeditions for students unable to join the Gillotts expeditions

Click on the menu bars and select Events to see expedition dates. 

The 20 conditions for completing the expedition section are here.  Your expedition leader will talk about these and help you achieve what is required.