4th grade


WEEK 1: Please watch and definitely enjoy these videos!


Steady Beat: "The Steady Beat Song - Can You feel it?" -

  • which instruments does he play the most?

Steady Beat: "I Think Music's Neat/ I Can Keep a Steady Beat" -

  • It's fun to watch other kids as they sing and act this out!

"Cello Wars" (Star Wars parody) - Pay attention to all the fun details they have added to this video! Notice the instruments that are being played... do they look like normal instruments? (The Cello and foot drum) Do the musicians seem to be enjoying themselves?

My video - 8-31-2020_9-32-28.mp4

Weekly lesson

Singing for Kids! Warmups

Silly Warmups: Choonbaboon

Dont Dare Sing!


Video Lessons:

-Please review Warmups

Video: "My Favorite Things" from the movie "The Sound of Music" - with words (Make a list on a sheet of paper of at least 5 things that are YOUR favorite things!)

My video - 9-8-2020_1-40-41.mp4

Weekly lesson

Review Singing for Kids

Review The Music Show #1

"My Favorite Things" - write down 5 of your own!

Just for Fun! "Lava"

Just for Fun! "We Know the Way"

WEEKS 3 & 4:

Recorder Review:

Please go to the "Recorders" Tab at the top of my Music site to begin "re-exploring" our Recorders from last year!

Please view the following videos!

My video - 9-21-2020_12-26-20.mp4

Weekly lesson

Introduction to Music Notation

Weekly Warmups

Just for Fun! One Voice Children's Choir "Memories" (Maroon 5)


My video - 10-19-2020_12-24-21 (1).mp4

Mrs. Farmer's Lesson

The Music Show #2: "I've Got Rhythm"

The Orchestra's Instrument Families

"Scarin' Alive" Singalong Video

"Monster Moves" with KooKooKangaRoo


This week we will be reviewing some basic Music notes and the different Families of Instruments...

Kids Music: Lines/ Spaces

"Black and Gold" with Mr. DelGaudio

"Boom Chicka Boom Halloween"

"Thriller" by Michael Jackson

Just for Fun! Ninja Kids

Dance: "Best Day of My Life"

Singalong: "Just Sing"


We are finally in November!! Enjoy the lessons below!

My video - 11-6-2020_10-56-37.mp4

Lesson 1

"Thankful" by Juicebox Jukebox

A Turkey Dance!

The First Thanksgiving

Introduction to Music Notation for Kids

GoNoodle: Snap Along with
"The Addams Family"

The Families of Instruments


Wow, it's Finally Here!!!!!

My video - 12-4-2020_1-08-51.mp4

Mrs. Farmer's lesson

Just Dance "Jingle Bells"

Boom Chicka Boom Christmas

Cookie Boogie (Silly!)


My video - 1-8-2021_12-15-16.mp4

Happy New Year, guys!!

Recorder Lesson

Koo Koo Kangaroo "Brrrrrrrrr"

Kidz Bop Dance Break!

One Voice Cover: This is Me/ Greatest Showman


"America the Beautiful" with lyrics

"President's Day Song" with all Presidents!

The History of The Star Spangled Banner

The Star Spangled Banner with Lyrics

My video - 1-21-2021_11-20-38.mp4


"Martin Luther King Rap"

Kid President: "The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr"

"Dynamite" Cover by Rise Up Children's Choir

One Voice Children's Choir Videos - Amazing!! (check these out!)

  • Notice these kids come in all ages!!

"Diamonds - Rihanna"

"Clean Bandit - Symphony feat. Zara Larsson"

"Memories - Maroon 5"