1st grade

1st Grade

September :

WEEK 1: See the below Videos!

My video - 8-31-2020_9-32-28.mp4

Music Lesson 1

"Hello Song' with Miss Linky

First Day of School

Singing for Kids!

Move and Freeze!

The Music Show Episode #1

For Fun: Disney Don't Sing!


Lesson Videos: This week we are reviewing The Music Show as well as the "Hello Song"... be ready to also move those feet, boys and girls!

My video - 9-3-2020_1-47-45.mp4

Music lesson #2

"Hello Song" with Miss Linky

"Back at School" with Jack Hartman

Review The Music Show #1

Just for Fun! "We Know the Way"

Weeks 3 & 4:

Video Lessons: These weeks we are talking about the beat of Music as well as the Pitch in Music...

My video - 9-21-2020_12-26-20.mp4

Music Lesson

At Home Music Lesson

Pitch: Low, Medium, High

Introduction to Beat: "Sweet Beets and Cherries"

Just for Fun! Children's choir for all ages!


Week 1:

My video - 9-30-2020_10-16-32.mp4

Weekly lesson

Music has a Steady Beat

"Stop!" Movement

Week 2:

Video Lessons: See below!

My video - 10-12-2020_9-57-08.mp4

"The Leaves are Falling" with Mrs. Farmer

October Calendar Song

The Music Show Episode 2: I've Got Rhythm

"Halloween Freeze" song

Week 3:

Video Lessons: See below!

My video - 10-19-2020_10-08-09.mp4

Mrs. Farmer's Lesson

"The Owl Song"

"5 Little Owls Jumping on the Bed"

"On Halloween" Dance video


My video - 10-28-2020_9-37-33.mp4

Lesson with Mrs. Farmer

"Halloween Stomp" Movement Song

"5 Little Pumpkins"

"Halloween Song for Kids" with Jack Hartmann


Week 1:

Video Lessons: See below!

My video - 11-6-2020_10-37-46.mp4

Lesson 1

Turkey Hokey Pokey

Ten Little Indians

JennieFarmer The Leaves.mp4

Review of "The Leaves are Falling"


Wow, it's Finally Here!!!!!

My video - 12-4-2020_1-08-51.mp4

Mrs. Farmer's lesson

Just Dance "Jingle Bells"

Boom Chicka Boom Christmas

Cookie Boogie (silly!)


My video - 1-8-2021_11-03-32.mp4

Happy New Year!!

January Calendar Song with Mr. Jack

Snow Man Dance with Miss Sandra

Snowflakes Song with The Learning Center

Rise Up Children's Choir: Let There be Peace on Earth


Groundhog Day Song

Heart Song for Kids

Valentine Boom Chicka Boom

"Skidamarink" Song

Intro to Mr. Mozart

Mozart on Melody Street

Intro to Elvis Presley

Weeks 2/3

The Star Spangled Banner

Pete the Cat's Valentine

"America the Beautiful" for Kids

President Song for Kids

Week 4

My video - 1-21-2021_11-20-38.mp4


My video - 1-21-2021_10-40-14.mp4

"Echo after Me"/ "Let's Go to Market" with Frank Leto

My video - 1-21-2021_10-47-58 (1).mp4

Story: "Sneezy the Snowman"

"The Cat Came Back" with Laurie Berkner

"Martin Luther King" song