Important Links

In an effort to offer convenient electronic access to your student’s special education documents, please follow these quick and easy steps:

  1. Log onto Infinite Campus

  2. Click on the tile:

  1. Enter valid email address

  2. Check email address for an access code (The email will come directly from e-IEP PRO User Support and will be titled e-IEP PRO Parent Portal Access Code)

  3. Enter access code

If no email address is on file, please contact the case manager to ensure the email address is listed correctly in Infinite Campus. Please note, any changes to the email address will not update until the next calendar day.

Once in the portal, the most recent documents can either be viewed or printed. For families with more than one student in special education, one log in will grant access to all student documents within that family.

If the IEP is not visible within 5 school days, please contact your child’s case manager.

If the MET is not visible within 15 school days, please contact your child’s school psychologist.