(Click button to submit a question)

Q: What are we doing for Online Art class? 

A: We no longer hold online art class. All instruction is in person!

Q: When does my  class have art?

A: Your class has art once each week on your art day, with an occasional bonus flex day on 1-2 Wednesdays a quarter. See the schedule of classes for the day and time your class will see Mrs Bergman.  Your homeroom teacher will guide you on which special you have for flex days. 

Q: Do you want to see what I made?

A: YES!  Mrs. Bergman LOVES to see your art!  Please share your art with me - small or big I want to see it all! (click here to share!)

Q: How do I show you my art?

A: I have several ways for you to share your art with me:  - If  the art you want to show me is for a specific assignment please submit it to that assignment show it to me in class!. If it is still a work in progress and you want me to see before turning it in you can show me in email any time! - If the art was something you created not for a specific class assignment you can: 1. Post it to our bulletin board (click here),  2. Share it with me through this Google form (click here), 3. email me (click here) 

Q: When is Mrs. Bergman on WebEx?

A: Mrs. Bergman is only on WebEx for pre- arranged scheduled meetings now.

Q: Where is the WebEx link?

A:: Because we are fully in person we will no longer be having class on Web Ex. If you need to schedule a meeting with Mrs. Bergman please email. 

Q: I can't make it to Art class but I still want to make up my work; what do I do?

A: Please email Mrs. Bergman so we can arrange make up work.