
Please check back often for updates and policy changes

Expectations: As 6th graders, we are the role models for the rest of Finley Farms. We will make good choices and treat each other with respect. We will come prepared each day with all of our responsibilities taken care of. We will maintain a positive attitude and accept that everyone makes mistakes, and learn from those mistakes. We will work together to help each other to be the best versions of ourselves that we can. We will work hard, have fun , and be prepared for Junior High!

Homework: It is recommended that your child reads 30 minutes of self-selected books independently or with an adult each day. In addition to this, we do not regularly assign homework. Your child may need to bring home classwork if they were not able to finish during their allotted class time. Due dates are firm, so it is your child's responsibility to come prepared each day.

Grading Policy: We utilize standards based grading. This will provide you and your family more detailed information than a traditional letter grade. Your child will receive a proficiency score for each learning target, which will indicate your child's strengths and weaknesses in each skill. Grades will be implemented into Infinite Campus regularly.

Bathroom: Students can use the bathroom during independent work and transition times. 1 boy and 1 girl may leave the room at a time.

Birthday Treats: Birthday treats are welcome. We do them during our snack break when possible.