Lights, Camera, LEARN!

4th Grade Curriculum

Here is what we will be learning this year in English Language Arts!


* Daily 5 (mini-lessons, silent reading, conferencing)

* Small literature study groups and whole class stories, basals, AR, 40 Book Challenge

* Independent Reading Projects, Book Reports, Thinking Maps, 100 Point Project

* Teacher read alouds, small and whole group discussions

* Latin/Greek roots and affixes, vocabulary, cursive practice


* Write from the Beginning (mini-lessons and essay rubrics)

* Grammar, Writing Portfolios, Thinking Maps

* Genres: Narrative, Expository, Informative, Summaries, Response to Literature, Persuasive, and Poetry

*Me Books

Higher Level Thinking

* Questioning Strategies, discussions (Bloom’s Taxonomy)

* Extension Menus (Challenge board)

* Flexible Grouping

* Visual-spatial activities, logic link puzzles, and creative solutions

For more details on CCSS see: