Sponsor Recognition

Sponsor Video: This video is shown in the GHS auditorium for 30 minutes before each concert. The call time for students is 6:20 p.m. and concerts begin at 7 p.m. Parents and other attendees see this video while they wait for the concert to begin. In addition, your company's name is prominently listed in every concert program. See below for an example.

T-shirts: Students regularly wear your logo throughout the year and beyond. If you did not receive a T-shirt with your logo on it, please email laura.reed@gilbertschools.net.

Signage: This sign with all of the sponsor logos is prominently placed at all concerts, as well as at our three car washes. In addition, it was a focal point of our Golf Tournament, our Chamber Music Breakfast, and our Holiday Boutique. Click HERE for photos.

Performances at your event: If you are a Virtuoso League or Maestro's Circle donor, we will happily bring an ensemble to entertain your guests or provide background music for your special occasion.