All information about DVSS Athletics can be found here. If you are looking for schedules or something specific to the activity your child is participating please search under the Activity Section. If you are looking for forms or general information please visit the parent Info.

Our Mission: 

The mission of DVSS Athletics program is to positively impact the lives of our students through Athletics. 

Our Vision: 

The vision for DVSS Athletics is to provide students with quality programs through exposure to training and participation in Athletic activities, while using the platform of Athletics to empower within each player, academic excellence, healthy lifestyle choices and excellent character.

Program Philosophy: 

The DVSS Athletic program is an important part of the educational process and is an extension of the classroom, serving as an arena for learning. We strive to have each student-athlete enjoy a positive experience while we develop competitive teams. Students deciding to become a part of the athletic program must understand that they are accepting the privilege and benefits of participation and should fully appreciate that they have taken on certain specific obligations and responsibilities.

DVSS DYNOS Athletics are provided with the belief that the following goals may be accomplished through membership on an athletic team:

The success of our DVSS Athletic program is not based solely on the win-loss record of the teams. Instead, the goal of the program is to have each participant reach his/her maximum potential.


For all your High School Alberta Athletic Information please click on the link below.