Info Essay

Informational Essay

Did you know that the most common mental health disorders are anxiety, mood disorders, and schizophrenia disorders? Stress, depression and anxiety can all affect mental health. Mental disorders include PTSD, which can happen after a person witnesses, experiences, or goes through a deeply stressful or traumatic event. Another mental health disorder is bi polar disorder. People with bipolar disorder may experience unusual changes in their mood energy levels, levels of activity and ability to continue with daily life.

In addition people may also suffer with mood disorders. People refer to mood disorders as affective disorders or depressive disorders. Seasonal affective disorders are caused by reduced daylight triggers during the fall, winter, and early spring months trigger this type of major depression. People with OCD have obsessions and compulsion, they experience constant stressful thought and powerful urges to perform repetitive tasks like ex: washing hands. People with major depression disorder experience a constant low mood and lose interest in things that made them happy. Simple phobias are disproportionate fear of a specific object. Social phobia AKA social anxiety is fear of being subjected to the judgement of other people. Agoraphobia is fear of situations when getting out will be difficult. Phobias are very personal and doctors don't know every type. Schizophrenia haves positive and negative impacts on people positive is delusions and negative are withdrawal lack of motivation and flat or inappropriate mood, signs of Schizophrenia start between 16 to 30 years old .Having a gene that links you to schizophrenia or depression or a family history of having it will not guarantee that you will have a mental health issue. Schizophrenia experts are still trying to figure out if schizophrenia is one or more disorders. People with panic disorders often think that their life or another persons life is in danger they feel afraid because they have no control over what's happening. People with panic attacks experience regular panic attacks that involve sudden overwhelming terror or a sense of eminent disaster or death.

In 2017 and estimated 11.2 million adults in the US or 4.5% of adults around the world had a severe psychological condition according to the national Institute of mental health. In a 2015 study of 903 families identified that several social economic causes of mental health conditions are poverty living and on the outskirts of a big city. Your mental health helps determine how you handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Looking after your mental health can preserve your ability to enjoy life. Social and financial circumstances, biological factors and lifestyle choices can all shape a person's mental health. Modifiable for mental health disorders include work is available, occupation, a person's level of social involvement, education, housing quality. Non-modifiable factors include gender, age, Ethnicity. In the United States national alliance for mental illness estimate one in every five adults experience mental illness each year. Your mental health includes emotional psychological and social well-being. Factors that can contribute to mental health issues are genes or brain chemistry, trauma or abuse, family history of mental health issues. Some early warning signs to look for are as follows number one eating or sleeping too little or too much number two pulling away from people who are usual activities number three having low or no energy number for feeling numb number five having unexplained aches or pains Number six feeling hopeless or helpless number seven smoking doing drugs or drinking more than usual number eight feeling usually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared. How to maintain good mental health, getting professional help if you need it, connecting with others, staying positive, getting physical, helping others, getting enough sleep, and developing good coping skills. Everyone has a risk of developing a mental health disorder no matter sex Age Ethnicity etc. A large portion of people with mental illness has had more than one at a time. The researchers found that being female increases the risk of low mental health by 3.96 times. Mental disorders are One of the leading causes of disabilities in the US. People with weak economic status scored highest for mental health conditions. Good mental health allows you to realize your full potential, cope with stress for life, work productively, and make meaningful contributions to your community.

Types of psychological therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, diabetic or behavioral therapy. Treatment is highly individual; what works for one may not work for someone else. The medication works by boosting the body's absorption of your good chemicals like serotonin. Prescribed medications like antidepressants and antipsychotics and anxiolytics drugs. An individual works closely with a Doctor Who can help them identify their needs.

the 2018 report said that 50% of girls are near constant online users compared to 39% of teen boys. A 2018 study also showed that 45% of teens said they use the Internet frequently and another 44% say that they go online several times a day. a 2016 report said that 50% of teens feel addicted to their phone while 59% of parents say that they feel that their kid is addicted to their phones 72% of teens and 42% of parents feel the need to immediately respond to text. There is no smartphone addiction diagnosis. 69% of parents and 78% of teens check their devices hourly. Potential symptoms of cell phone addiction texting while driving, excessive use that conflicts with family, Negative effects on school, continue to use despite negative outcomes, insomnia related to checking the phone. It’s smart for parents to keep tabs on teen levels of smartphone usage. 95% of teens have access to a smartphone. If your team can’t get off the phone the best treatment is cognitive therapy, individual process therapy, download apps help limit usage, practice mindfulness, practice adaptive coping mechanisms how to help teens overcome their addiction educate them of the benefits and downfalls, make a plan set healthy limits, monitor as a family, create a chicken policy, establish a screen Freezone, model healthy boundaries.

Children under spin around 2.25 hours a day on digital screens. Children that spend seven hours a day experiencing thinning of the brain is the cortex. Your mobile phone has more computer power than the computer is used for Apollo two Moon Landing. Sunny and 2018 indicates that children that've been two hours a day on screen time activity scored lower on language and thinking tests. If young kids spend most of their time on screens it’s going to be hard to engage them in screen-less activities. Anything to stay up late texting or not only getting less sleep but also lacking REM sleep which is essential for processing and storing information from that day into memory. The first mobile phone was made in 1973. Mobile phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles. Half of children eight and under half their old tablet device. Muffle phones work harder to find singles if you’re in a moving car. Waterproof mobile phones came to market because Japanese kids like to use their phones in the shower.

Does your screen time increase or decrease the older you get?

Does your addictive behavior change as you get older?

I think that as you get older your screen time increases because you have more things to use your phone for such as homework, social media, and calling your friends, ect.