System Steps 1-3

Steps, ACtions and Appendices

System Step 1: Assess Beliefs and Consensus

System Step 2: Document current interventions

        A. Inventory available interventions

        B. Identify indicators of successful implementation

        C. Select and record priority interventions

Appendix 2A: Intervention Inventory  (Completed Samples: Literacy      Mathematics     SEBH)                       

Appendix 2B: Early Childhood Intervention Inventory  (Completed Sample)

Appendix 4A: Intervention Critical Components.  (Completed Samples:  Literacy    Mathematics)

Appendix 5: Implementation Fidelity Protocol.  (Completed Samples:  Academic     SEBH)

System Step 3: Determine Intervention effectiveness

        A. Evaluate intervention effectiveness

        B. Evaluate implementation fidelity of less effective interventions