Tiger Network

Authentic Learning @ Lenox

Lenox Community Schools entered a partnership with KSIB Radio located in Creston, Iowa. This partnership allows Lenox students the opportunity to embed project-based learning into a classroom using real-world projects as curriculum. The Tiger Network currently has a team of five junior high and high school students who provide streaming services that includes play-by-play services.

Tiger Network students devised an expansion plan that included the launch of a student ran mobile coffee cart, Lenox Lava Java. This project allows students to engage in real-world experiences. They learn how to run a small business, work on employability skills and have the opportunity to provide a service to their school community.

Project Spotlight

Tiger Network

Tiger Network is a digital media partnership with KSIB Radio in Creston, Iowa. This partnership allows students to explore various aspects of digital media while providing a service to their school and community. Students spend time with KSIB staff to learn the process for producing a live broadcast. The Tiger Network crew has worked with various school personnel to grow their stream.

Lenox Lava Java

Lava Java is a mobile coffee cart designed to expose students to an entrepreneurial project. Lava Java staff have been a part of the development of the cart; making menu selections, providing customer service and managing finances.


Why Our Town?

Through the "Why Our Town" project Lenox High School creative writing students had the opportunity to learn more about their community and the businesses who support them. Meeting business people around town allowed the students to create an engaging, informative project to share with others as well as the opportunity to learn about career options in their hometown.

To Learn More Contact:

Leah Henderson, Technology Coordinator

Stephanie Lane, Green Hills AEA Authentic Learning

Lenox, Where Are They Now?

Ms. Jessen's creative writing students developed a project that would give current high school students a unique exposure to career opportunities. The "Where Are They Now?" challenge was a social media project featured Lenox High School graduates, documented their journey and kept the learning going by "tagging" another graduate. This was a great start to career exploration and a celebration of graduates success in the workforce.

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