Boyer Valley

Authentic Learning at Boyer Valley High School

The 2020-2021 school year was an interesting year for schools across the state & nation. Whether in-person, remote or hybrid, many schools tackled teaching & learning in new and dynamic ways & forced them to quickly change on the fly. One of the great things to come from the pandemic this year at Boyer Valley High School was the inception of BVTV, a partnership with Boyer Valley High School & KDSN Radio out of Denison. Friends & family weren't allowed to attend sporting events in-person, and this restriction put the ball in motion for creating an avenue for anyone to tune into their live events from anywhere! Several students from the Marketing & Entrepreneurship classes along with others wanting to be involved, quickly learned the aspects of live broadcasting, including running video equipment & being play-by-play announcers. By the end of the basketball season, a total of 13 games were broadcast and plans are underway to live stream additional school events yet this spring. Future projects include making their live streams more robust by creating graphics & working on the finer details of the production as well as creating commercials for business sponsors to be aired during their broadcasts.

HS Business teacher & facilitator of the program, Tricia Roberts, states that "Learning in a classroom, learning from a book, and learning from your peers and your teacher are nothing like the learning experiences you garner from the real world. No one can prepare you for all the quirky, unexpected things that happen in the real world. Getting real-world experience is invaluable - that's what these projects are about." She has also seen many positive results from students involved with the program. Students "...feel an overall sense of purpose. They found talents they didn't know they had and it's helped to build their confidence. It's being reflected in their grades as well. I know they have enjoyed it can hear it in their voices when they are broadcasting."

BVTV Channel on KDSN Radio

To Learn More Contact:

Tricia Roberts, BVHS Program Facilitator

JJ Johnson, KDSN Radio

Sarah Fink, Green Hills AEA