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How long will this project take?

More detail will be added to this as we progress and we will use this site to update on any changes.

The current planning is;

What impact will there be on my learning during the build?

This has of course been a major focus for us in our planning so far and will continue to be throughout the project. We are working really hard with our contractor, Kier, and the DfE to minimise the disruption to learning. 

The temporary building that will be constructed is a classroom for classroom replacement for the area of the school that will be blocked off, so there the curriculum will continue as it is and Kier have signed up to reasonable working practices to reduce noise during working times.

How is this being paid for?

This project is part of the DfE's School Rebuilding Programme. 

As such it is being planned, managed and funded by the DfE.

Further information can be found here.

Where will my lessons be during the build?

We are also designing a purpose built temporary building for use through the building work.

This will have classrooms appropriate for all of the rooms being demolished including;

Design technology, Music, Library, English, MFL, Art, Catering and Computing. In addition, there will suitable office space, sixth form common room and study space and office space.

The temporary building will be placed on the tennis courts at the back of the school and will be constructed before any other building work starts.

Lessons that take place in the B Block, G Block, R Block, V Block, Y Block and at the Sports Hall will not be impacted during the building.

In the second phase of work, which is the refurbishment stage, lessons in the R Block and G block will move into the temporary building. 

Will there be an impact on parking?

Parking on the school site is limited and recognise this already creates challenges in the local area so we are keen to ensure that this does not increase due to this building work.

The number of parking places on site is planned to remain the same. In fact, due to one of the buildings being demolished being right next to current parking we may even see a slight increase.

Due to the nature of the works, we anticipate there may be occasions when parking on site is limited. We will make every effort to plan for such occasions to happen outside of term time.