Bay House Build

Bay House has been incredibly lucky to be included in the first round of the Department for Education's (DfE) School Rebuilding Programme. This means that we have been given a fantastic opportunity to significantly improve the school site and have been working closely with the DfE to achieve this. The design that has been created will see 6 buildings and two temporary classrooms demolished, 3 redesigned blocks constructed and the refurbishment of retained buildings.

Bay House School and Sixth Form, has a long history. It's buildings and site reflect the changes that it has seen over the decades it has operated as a place of learning.

This project is significant to Bay House School.  It provides the opportunity to look at the whole site and how it used by learners. The aims of this project have been;

If you wish to comment on this, please do so through the Gosport Borough Council Planning Website. 

Bay House Community Consultation.pdf