
Morning Meeting

Monday, June 1st, 2020

Good morning,
Our Monday Memory work this week is, "Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart." - 1 Peter 1:22
Love, Mrs. Sinn

Task 1: Virtual Field Trip

Check out these virtual tours of Yellowstone National Park in the state of Wyoming! Decide which one you like best and share on Flipgrid!

Share which area you would like to visit and why!

Task 2: Plan a Summer Trip

Imagine you could plan your dream summer trip! Where would you go? Who would go with you? What would you see? Would you drive? Fly? Take a train?

Write a story about your trip from start to finish. Write about every day you are there.

Draw a picture of your trip too!

Task 3: U.S. States Game

Have fun and practice naming the 50 U.S. States by reviewing the online game!

Physical Education

Click on the balls for today's P.E. Lesson with Mrs. Wegleitner!

Closing Meeting

Comment on one other post from morning meeting!