Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process of supporting the Learner Profile within a safe and caring learning environment. SEL develops our capacity for compassionate empathy, self-management, and responsible decision-making.


Facilitated Experiential Discovery

Inquiring and Constructive


Based in Neuroscience

On-Ramp for Learning

What SEL is NOT


Critical or Judgmental



Detour from Academics

The Three Signature Practices

This is the instructional model endorsed by CASEL. It's important to note that GISD embraces personalized learning, which could also include:

  • The 5 E Model

  • Project-Based Learning

  • The Workshop Model

Welcoming To Content

Opening each lesson with an intro that connects to the material ahead.

Engaging With Content

Designing experiences that provide students the opportunity to deeply digest material and contribute meaningfully. Engaging Practices are both individual and group. Teachers take on a coaching role that assists students in both coping with academic demands and working respectfully with others.

Closing the content

Close each lesson with a "take-away". What are the important things to remember about this lesson? What are the students still curious about? How is this information meaningful to their lives outside of school?

Supports For The Relational Side of SEL

Academic Mindfulness

Paying attention to the present moment

Builds teacher and student capacity for focus and emotional regulation

Environmental Supports

Classroom coping centers

Visuals to prompt use of coping skills and academic perseverance

Warm and inviting environments

Representation of EVERY student in classroom literature.

Building Strong Relationships With Families

Communication with parents in the ways that work best for them

Appreciation of a wide range of parental engagement strategies, not just in-school volunteerism

One Mission

Bring out the best in people.