Reading Challenges

GSA Library Calendar 23-24.pdf

On the library calendar there will be a different genre in the spotlight each month and some months there will be additional activities where you can complete a reading challenge or take part in a library event to earn PARS points. These will be advertised in your year group google classroom and on this page or the events page.

Each month also has a reading tracker sheet that you can complete, simply keep a note of what you read each month and hand it in at the end of the month. There is a prize draw each term for a voucher and PARS points are awarded for each tracker handed in. The trackers are posted on your year group google classrooms and copies can also be collected from the library.

You can always complete book reviews on Libresoft Librarian or paper review sheets can be collected from the library.

For students in Year 8 and above there is also the Diamond Reading Award Challenge, speak to Ms Stevens about this if you'd like to take part or have a look at the details here.


Numeracy Day.pdf
Subject in the spotlight Maths.pdf
New Take 10.pdf
FilmTV adaptations.pdf
Worlds of Sherlock Holmes.pdf
May Reading Tracker.pdf