Ch. 8 & 9: Understand & Compare Fractions


  • Denominator: The part of a fraction below the line, which tells how many equal parts there are in the whole or group
  • Eighths: Divided into 8 equal parts
  • Equivalent Fractions: Fractions that name the same amount of the whole
  • Equal Parts: Parts that are exactly the same size
  • Equal To (=): A symbol used to compare two numbers having the same amount or value
  • Fourths: Divided into 4 equal parts
  • Fraction: A number that names part of a whole or part of a group
  • Fraction Greater Than One: A fraction that has a numerator greater than its denominator
  • Greater Than (>): A symbol used to compare two numbers, with the greater number given first
  • Halves: Divided into two equal parts
  • Less Than (<): A symbol used to compare two numbers, with the lesser number given first
  • Numerator: The part of a fraction above the line, which tells how many parts are being counted
  • Sixths: Divided into 6 equal parts
  • Thirds: Divided into 3 equal parts
  • Unit Fraction: A number that names one equal part of a whole and has 1 as its numerator
  • Whole: All of the parts of one shape or group

fraction manipulatives


equivalent fractions


Yes, there's a reason these videos are in the wrong order.