Important Announcements

Updated Covid Protocols


Relocation of Accounts Office


Slices Menu and Catering Fee payment System


Equivalency Requirements of the UAE Ministry of Education

Grade 12 Equivalency.pdf

Flexible Learning Form

Letter for flexible learning KS5.pdf

Curriculum Booklet

Copy of Grade 11 - Curriculum Booklet.pdf
Copy of Grade 12 - Curriculum Booklet (1).pdf


Dear Parents,

Kindly send the attached contracts duly signed to your child’s form tutors.

Uniform contract.pdf
BYOD contract.docx.pdf
Behaviour policy.pdf
Photography Consent Form.pdf

Fortinet certificate installation guide

Please find the documents and the certificate for installing the Fortinet certificate in student devices .

Browsing and other apps will be enabled in school wifi only after the certificate has been installed .

Windows and Mac OS.pdf
iOS devices.pdf
Andriod devices.pdf

WSR WhatsApp Service for Parents


New Covid Protocols


Uniform Policy

Dear Parent,

As a school, we always insist on students being well-dressed and presentable. A uniform is what makes it happen. Attached is our School’s Uniform Policy. The steps taken for not complying to the uniform policy is also stated in the attached document.

At WSR, we try to bring in integrity and consistency in everything we do. This will make our students understand the expectations with in the school and prepare them better for the outside world.

We request your kind support and cooperation for the same.

GEMS WSR Uniform Policy.docx

Casual Fridays

Casual Fridays Letter Arabic.pdf
Casual Fridays - Children's Letter.docx

New Admission for Academic Year 2022-2023
