Health and Wellbeing

mental health supporting students during the exam1.pptx.pdf

E - Safety

Tips for Spotting False or Misinformation

How do you determine what information is accurate, and what is not? The best way to do this is to think critically about what you read, see, or hear.

§ Check the URL/website address:

Does the website have a strange website address or url? False information articles may use domain names that look like a trusted news or media site, but with minor spelling changes.

§ Take a closer look:

Check the source of the story – is it a credible/reliable source? If you are unfamiliar with the site, look in the about section or find out more information about the author.

§ Look beyond the headline:

Check the entire article. Many false news stories use sensationalist or shocking headlines to grab attention, but a headline or social media post does not give the full story. Often the headlines used for false information are in all caps and use exclamation points.

A Message from the School Doctor

Shopping for Food During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Information for Consumers (English)

Good Day,

As grocery shopping remains a necessity during this pandemic, many people have questions about how to shop safely. This particular coronavirus causes respiratory illness and is spread from person-to-person, unlike foodborne gastrointestinal or GI viruses, such as norovirus and hepatitis A that often make people ill through contaminated food.

To help protect yourself, grocery store workers, and other shoppers, it is important to keep a few things in mind:

  1. Prepare a shopping list in advance. Buy just 1 to 2 weeks-worth of groceries at a time. Buying more than you need can create unnecessary demand and temporary shortages.

  2. Wear a face covering or mask while you are in the store. Some stores and localities may require it. Check your state, county or city guidelines for any other requirements.

  3. Carry your own wipes, or use one provided by the store to wipe down the handles of the shopping cart or basket. If you use reusable shopping bags, ensure they are cleaned or washed before each use.

  4. Practice social distancing while shopping – keeping at least 6 feet between you, other shoppers, and store employees. Keep your hands away from your face.

  5. Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds when you return home and again after you put away your groceries.

  6. Again, there is no evidence of food packaging being associated with the transmission of COVID-19. However, if you wish, you can wipe down product packaging and allow it to air dry.

As always, it is important to follow these food safety practices to help prevent foodborne illness:

  1. Before eating, rinse fresh fruits and vegetables under running tap water, including those with skins and rinds that are not eaten. Scrub firm produce with a clean produce brush. For canned goods, remember to clean lids before opening.

  2. When unpacking groceries, refrigerate or freeze meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, and other perishables—like berries, lettuce, herbs, and mushrooms—within 2 hours of purchasing.

  3. Regularly clean and sanitize kitchen counters using a commercially available disinfectant product or a DIY sanitizing solution with 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) unscented liquid chlorine bleach to 1 gallon of water or 4 teaspoons of bleach per quart of water. WARNING: Do not use this solution or other disinfecting products on food.

  4. Always keep in mind the basic 4 food safety steps — Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill.

Food is a source of comfort, as well as nourishment for you and your family – especially now – and we hope this advice will help you continue to buy groceries with care and confidence.

Thanks & Regards

Be Safe

Dr. Esraa Taha

School Doctor

Shopping for Food During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Information for Consumers (Arabic)

نصائح للتسوق الآمن في جائحه كورونا

وقدمت مدرب زمالة مكافحة العدوى في مصر عددا من النصائح لمرتادي مراكز التجارية وهي:

1- الابتعاد عن أماكن التزاحم وأوقات الذروة.

2- عدم البقاء داخل الأماكن المغلقة مدة طويلة.

3- الالتزام بالتباعد الاجتماعي بمسافة مترين.

4- غسل الأيدي جيدا أو تطهيرها طوال فترة زيارة المول خاصة قبل لمس الوجه.

5- الامتناع عن دخول المول حال الشعور بأي أعراض تنفسية أو حمى.

6- انتقاء أماكن تناول الطعام بحيث تكون ملتزمة بالإجراءات الاحترازية.

7- الأكل في أدوات الطعام أحدية الاستخدام.

8- ارتداء الكمامة طوال فترة البقاء داخل المول وأثناء قياس الملابس.

9- اختيار الملابس ذات الرقبة الواسعة أثناء القياس للحيلولة دون لمس الوجه.

10- غسل الملابس الجديدة وكيها قبل ارتدائها.

وشددت "محفوظ" على أهمية ارتداء الكمامة خلال التسوق، وقالت إنها تلعب دورا محوريا في عدم التقاط العدوى، مشيرة إلى أنها يجب ألا تستخدم أكثر من 6 ساعات، ولا تُخلع أو توضع على الذقن ثم يعاد تغطية الأنف والفم بها ثانية، لأنها تتلوث وبالتالي تزيد خطورة نقل الفيروس.

وأشارت إلى ضرورة عدم رش الكمامة بكحول لما قد يحدث من مشاكل صدرية، وألا تستخدم ثانية إذا ابتلت من العرق أو الإفرازات خوفا من النمو البكتيري.