Questions related to the costings of trips, and the selection of trip providers.

We understand that the cost of a trip is an important consideration for many families, and we appreciate your interest in this matter. We would like to clarify that GEMS Dubai American Academy does not control the prices of any of the trips that we present.

Pricing of all trips is a complex process involving a number of varying factors. We are guided by GEMS Corporate, who furnish us with a list of approved and reputable trip providers. These providers have successfully met all requirements expected of them by GEMS. In addition, we have had GEMS Corporate Procurement Office approve all of our trips, itineraries and associated costs before offering them to our community of learners.

Our aim is to provide our learners with enriching and educational experiences abroad. These companies are responsible for organizing and executing the trips, which include transportation, accommodations, guided tours, and other associated costs.

It's important to acknowledge that these trip companies do aim to make a profit as part of their business operations. However, they also understand the importance of providing safe and enjoyable trips for our learners. DAA places a strong emphasis on safety and quality when selecting these trip providers.

Rest assured, we take several measures to ensure the safety and well-being of our students during these trips:

Vetted Partners: GEMS carefully selects trip companies and agencies with a proven track record of organizing successful and secure trips (international and local).

Safety Protocols: These companies are required to adhere to strict safety protocols and guidelines to mitigate any potential risks during a trip.

Supervision: Our students are accompanied by experienced teachers and chaperones who are trained to handle various situations and prioritize the safety and welfare of our students.

Emergency Procedures: We have established emergency procedures in place, including communication plans, in case any unforeseen events occur during the trip.

While we understand the concern about costs, please keep in mind that international trips offer invaluable educational and cultural experiences for our students. We strive to provide opportunities that will enrich their lives and broaden their horizons. We are always open to feedback and suggestions to improve our trip offerings and make them more accessible to all interested families. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. We appreciate your support in providing these enriching experiences for our learners.

What if my child doesn't want to participate in HSC Week

HSC Week is mandatory and varied with offerings so that there is something for everyone. If a student is absent during these days it will count towards their overall absences and be unexcused. 

Do all grades go together on trips/experiences? 

The international trip options are by grade level, however, the local options presented will be combining grades.

How do you decide who goes on which trip? 

Students will get to choose 3 trips/experiences and they must be prepared to go on any of those three. We will endeavor to honor top trip preferences. However, if this is not possible, your family will be contacted with alternative options.

Where do we pay? 

You will be asked to log into GemsNet and pay via the app. Please ensure you pick the correct experience before you pay. 

What if I only want to go on one trip/experience? 

Please make sure you choose 3 options. We will do our best to get you your first choice, but that's not always possible. 

There is a clause that says the trip cost, in part or full, may not be refunded. What about even before the trip starts if we need to pull out? 

Unfortunately that is the case. Depending on the trip and situation, we may not be able to offer any refund, part or whole. It is also dependent on the trip provider, as they have different terms and conditions.

How do I ensure my child is with a friend on their trip? 

There is no way to ensure this. HSC Week is about building new skills, getting out of comfort zones and meeting new friends! Let's help our students embrace this opportunity. 

Can Students of Determination  or students with a physical barrier participate? 

We do try to cater for ALL learners! Please speak with Ivan i.forbes_daa@gemsedu.com to discuss the options that would be appropriate.  

If a student has an LSA in school, they will be require to have an LSA on the experience, covered at the family's expense. 

What is the minimum number of trips that can be chosen? I only want to go on 1. 

Please choose 3 so that we can guarantee you get at least one choice. 

For the 2 diving trips, will the kids be certified as PADI divers?

Learners will be PADI certified at the end of the week, provided that they completed the required diving hours and theory test. 

To answer another related question, if your child has already obtained their PADI certificate, they will have the option to participate in the advanced course.

For any additional information, please contact Mr. Forbes i.forbes_daa@gemsedu.com