Girls Only!

As young girls begin to make decision about their future, it's important to encourage them to keep STEM options open. Studies show that many girls begin doubting their STEM abilities as early as elementary school. By the time they arrive at university, pathways into STEM fields are already closed off. We believe that positive early exposure is key to bridging this gap.


Our events and programs provide young girls with role models in STEM and help them gain confidence in their capabilities in the world of STEM. Offering a Girls Only environment provides a safe space to encourage girls in their discovery and exploration of science and engineering.

Every summer, Geering Up runs one week of camp exclusive to girls in addition to a different Girls Only camps each week. Throughout the year, we run Girls Only events for elementary and secondary school girls and their parents to support the recruitment and retention of women in STEM fields. We also run after-school clubs where girls learn how to complete hands-on experiments and make-and-take creations from UBC students.


30 camps

15 events

10 clubs

4 parent sessions

In 2018, Geering Up reached more than 1,600 girls and 30 parents.

I learned that there are a lot more depth to engineering and that the process of solving problems is hard and fun.”

– Engineering Explorations 10 Participant

"I learned how the engineering design process works. I also found out how hands on and involved engineering is, and how it helps communities.”

– Engineering Explorations 10 Participant

After this event, I would like to start an engineering hour every week in my class.”

– Teacher Participant, Engineering for Your Classroom

"This heartfelt thanks comes from a mother who sees her 12-year-old daughter calling herself an engineer"

– Parent of a camper

Our Girls Only Programs Need Your Support!

By making a general contribution or by adopting a semester of programming you can help us deliver this vital programming. We can work with you to identify a site in your local vicinity, create mentorship opportunities for your staff, and provide exclusive branding for a program.