What We Do

24,000 youth

12,000 girls

54 communities

400 teachers


For the past twenty years, UBC campus has transformed each summer into a laboratory of discovery for youth K-12.

Over the past three years, our camp programs have grown from their roots at UBC campus to schools and community centres across the province. What continues to make our camps special is the mentorship provided by our undergraduate instructors, the quality of inquiry-based learning in our curriculum, and our dedication to building inclusive learning environments.

As our camp programs have grown, so has our commitment to making them accessible. Last year, 1-in-5 participants attended a camp program with financial assistance. Our Integration Support staff worked with over 200 campers with special needs. Summer Camps continue to be at the heart of Geering Up.


When it is not summer camp time, Geering Up works in over 800 classrooms across the province. That's over 17,000 youth! Through curriculum, materials, and Instructor mentors we support teachers to deliver hands-on and engaging STEM lessons.

Our travel workshop team traverses the province, visiting over 40 communities with special emphasis on rural and Indigenous schools.


200 students join Geering Up each Saturday! Over 100 more join Geering Up in programs throughout the week. Building on the principals that make our other programming successful, these clubs are an opportunity for youth to hang out with like-minded peers in an environment where STEM is fun and inclusive.

Clubs are a special program for us because we get to work intensively with each cohort over an entire school year. Our Instructors cherish the connections they make with participants as they watch them grow and learn.


Each Saturday you will find our events team welcoming students at make-a-thons, tech-workshops, and engineering seminars.

Our flagship event program, Engineering Explorations, welcomed 500 girls Grades 8-12 at seminars throughout the year. Meanwhile, our Let's Talk Tech workshops introduced over 300 young learners to computer science last year.

Parent Sessions

Recognizing the impact of parental influence on girls' education and career choices, we welcome parents to one-hour information sessions at our Engineering Explorations and Lets Talk Tech events. In these sessions, parents can learn about engineering as a career opportunity for their child, and how to encourage them to consider all of options as they moves forward in secondary and post-secondary education.

Teacher Training

Teachers across the province are looking for training and support in delivering the new BC curriculum. This new curriculum has a strong emphasis on the integration of computer science and the development of applied science skills - areas of expertise for Geering Up!

In 2018, we worked with over 400 teachers. Recognizing that teachers are key stake-holders in increasing diversity in STEM, we have ambitious plans to grow this area of programming in 2019.