
Numeracy refers to the ability to understand and apply mathematics concepts in everyday situations. It is a foundational skill that helps us learn to problem solve and make sense of the world around us.

Please browse these pages to learn more about important topics in numeracy and find answers to the questions I am commonly asked. Visit our class Moodle page for downloads and resources related to these concepts.


Mathematics instruction is an important part of numeracy. A well-rounded mathematics education includes:

  • number concepts (like counting, subitizing, estimating, and place value)
  • computational fluency and strategies (for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing)
  • problem solving
  • patterns, sorting, and sequencing
  • measurement and data
  • time and money

Daily 3 Math Activities

There are three elements of math that children should participate in daily:

  • Math by myself - independent math practice
  • Math writing - word problems and math journals
  • Math with someone - discussions, activities and games

If your child struggles with independence in mathematics, visit the Routines for Independence and Stamina pages under Literacy - they apply to numeracy too!

Resources: Do you want to learn more?

Check out these resources for more information