
Welcome to the THS Library Website.  This website was designed to provide students and faculty access to online library resources 24/7.  Thank you for using our website.

School Library Program Mission

The Guam Department of Education School Library Program Mission is to provide information to students, faculty, and staff in a variety of formats, teach the skills to use it, and instill the desire to read and explore as lifelong learners.

Message from your Librarian:  Hafa Adai Titans!  The Library is OPEN and ready for you to explore, discover, read, research, learn, access resources and grow.   Please come by, say hello and let's get started.  I look forward to helping you in any way I can.                                                                                              Sincerely, Mrs. Rosario :) 


Phone: 300-5570 ext. 5602


Library Hours: Open Daily   6:35 am - 2:00 pm

Students are welcome to use the library during class periods, break and lunch time.  

*Please Hand Sanitize and then SIGN-IN upon entry.