Week 13

Hello everyone! I Hope all of you are doing well and you are continually practicing good personal hygiene! Anyways, we are getting close to cooking in the kitchen. For this week's activities, you will be learning and practicing your cutting skills. Always remember to be safe in the kitchen, especially when handling knives.


  1. Read instructions for basic knife skills

  2. Practice the 4 basic cuts: slice, dice, chop, and mince.

  3. Complete basic cuts practice worksheet

Take a picture of your answers/work or you can send a document to my email (pmcalilung@gdoe.net) with your name and period on the subject line no later than 5 P.M. November 13, 2020.

SY 20-21 WEEK #13.pdf

Instructions for basic knife skills

Combined final.pdf
Basic Cuts Practice.pdf