Social Studies 

Week 1

Introductions to computer apps:

Assignment #1

PowerPoint, Microsoft word, Google Slides, and Google Docs.

For the first week, I would like you to familiarize yourselves with your computer apps. This will help you submit your assignments online throughout the year, so it is important you know how to open and create using these apps. I have attached some videos to help you navigate through these apps. 

You can use these PDF File Editing websites to edit, sign and send PDF documents:

Syllabus Introduction


Students, please read and review my class syllabus (found in the SYLLABUS tab) with your parents. My class syllabus will explain classroom rules, expectations, CCS standards aligned with the topics that will be covered, how you will be graded, class textbook and so much more. Your parents need to send an acknowledgement (signature on the syllabus) that they understand and agree on the syllabus guidelines.  

**Syllabus is found on GOOGLE CLASSROOM**


Assignment #3

For our first week back to school, I would like to start with a simple introductions of ourselves. As an example from me, I had shared with you some interesting information about me. Now it is your turn. 

For this assignment, you will need to create a simple PowerPoint presentation. Your topic is about yourself. Tell us about YOU. This will help me and your classmates get to know YOU. 

In your PowerPoint slides tell us the following things about you: