Interesting Weekly Topics

Week 1 -Greece Virtual Fieldtrip

Watch the two videos above to go on a virtual field trip of Ancient Greece.After you are finished watching the two short videos, answer this journal question.

Weekly Journal

Imagine that you were an Ancient Greek person during these historical times. What would you be doing in a day? Would you be an athlete, work for the government, or be a philosopher? What places would you like to see in Greece if you ever had chance to visit? Who is your favorite Greek God or Goddess and why?

-Answer each question with at least one sentence. I hope you found these videos interesting and ENJOY your virtual field trip.

Week 2 -The Mughal Empire

Mughal Empire.pptx

PowerPoint on the Mughal Empire

The Mughal Empire was a civilization that had evolved from the Indus River Valley Civilization (IRVC)

The PowerPoint above discusses information on the different rulers of this empire and reasons they are significant.

Mughal Empire Quiz.docx

Quiz for the Mughal Empire PowerPoint

Week 3 - The Origin of Democracy

Watch the two videos and democracy and then answer your journal questions. 5-6 sentences should suffice.

What is democracy? How did democracy start and where is its' birthplace? Back then in history, who were not allowed to vote? Why is the right to vote so important? Imagine a world where we could not vote for our leaders, how would our nation be? How can you use the right to vote in your everyday lives?

Week 4 - Important Facts about Greece

Watch the short video about Ancient Greece and then answer the questions and journal.


  1. What year did Ancient Greece rise and what were they good at?

  2. What word did the Ancient Greeks use to call their cities?

  3. What two groups was the Ancient Greek Society divided into and what were the societies composed of? (Example: men?women?kings?servants?)

  4. What is the meaning of philosophy?

  5. What year did the Ancient Greek civilization end?


Have you heard of any Ancient Greek myths(stories)? If yes, which one is your favorite myth and what is it about? If no, think of any myth you have heard in the past from any culture. What is it about? (5-6 sentences)

Week 5- All About Ancient Rome


Watch the video on Ancient Rome.

What are 5 things you learned about Rome after watching the video? What else would you want to learn about?

5-7 sentences

Week 6

(The Middle Ages)

Answer the following questions after watching the video.

What are 5 things you learned about the Middle Ages? What is one thing that you would still like to know? If you were born during the Middle Ages, how would your life be?Imagine living in a Middle Age castle when you describe your life during the time. Explain. 5-8 sentences

Week 7

Getting Ready for 7th Grade (World Geography)

Message from Ms. Nucum:

Hafa Adai Class,

I just wanted to say that I miss having all of you in my classroom and I hope that you are all doing well. I know that you all will continue to use what you have learned in Social Studies in your everyday lives. Continue learning and strive to be the best selves you can be, so that you can reach your goals. I wish you all well and enjoy your summer. With that note, I would like to introduce you to World Geography because that will be the topic you will be learning for 7th grade Social Studies.

Instructions: Watch the video below and write about how you can use geography in real life situations. What will you like to learn about in Social Studies in 7th grade regarding World Geography? What are some things you learned in 6th grade Social Studies that you will bring with you?