Entering the Music Industry

I'm William Neumann, and music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. From my earliest years, I've found joy in both listening to and playing music. My first instrument was the violin which I started taking lessons when I was five. I then transitioned to the piano where I learned a basic understanding of music theory. I started playing guitar when I was nine. I grew up listening to 90s rock like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Green Day, etc. I have always been fascinated by the process of making music.

My project explores the process of making music, covering how artists write, record, and distribute their work. I'll be going through these steps myself to understand the challenges and joys of creating music. I have completed interviews with experts to learn about their experiences with the music industry. I plan to share my experiences and reflect on the process from start to finish. This isn't just about producing a song or an album; it's about gaining a deeper understanding of the time and effort that goes into being an artist.

Guiding Question

What skills do I have to learn to produce high-quality music at home so that people with no experience, like myself, can make an EP to post online?