How My Visual Interpretation of  Different Mental Illnesses Through Sculptures Affects People's Perspective.  

My IP10 Project:

For my IP10 project, I have made my visual interpretation of 3 different mental illnesses through the art of sculpture. I think sculpting my visual interpretation will help people get a better understanding of what it is and what it might feel like. Not only that but I want to see if my sculpture can change people's perspective or help clear up any false notions.

My Driving Question:

How My Visual Interpretation of  Different Mental Illnesses Through Sculptures Affects People's Perspective?

Motivation for My Project:

I remember, during Covid when I was in 7th grade, I saw my brother working on his March Madness Project. He had built a drone and was flying it in the backyard. Even at this time I knew that if I went to Grace Highschool, my project would have something to do with art.  After giving it some thought, in late September of last year I decided to do clay sculptures of mental illnesses.