Final pieces/Reflection

Her Eyes 

This portrait depicts my classmate and close friend Ami. I chose to highlight her eyes because, not only was it her preference, but because of her unmistakable beautiful big eyes. When interviewing her she told me of how she has grown to love and appreciate her eyes as she has gotten older, specifically when they are lit by the sun. Ever since Ami was a child her eyes would be commented on so much so that she struggled to come to love them. The closer you are to Ami the more you know how her eyes express her. Never before have I met someone more expressive with their eyes. 

The Moss Hair

This piece depicts my friends Kai and Leon. The two are painted with acrylic and their hair is dried recycled moss. The green is supposed to route the viewer from the concrete city to their humanity and the flow of nature. The green also highlights the boys’ youthfulness and pursuit of growth. If you know the two, you would know them to be extremely connected and close, this is why their hair almost seems to melt into one another.