Game Development

My Driving Question

How can I build a 2D game for an online audience so that I can make better games in the future?

Elevator Pitch

My IP10 project involves crafting a 2D platformer video game centered on precise movement and speed. Through this solo endeavor, I'm eager to deepen my understanding of game development while honing essential skills in programming, design, and aesthetics. I aspire to inspire others to join me on a journey of continuous learning and innovation, fostering a supportive community dedicated to growth in the gaming industry.


The goal of my project is to expand my skills in game development, to make a game that I am proud of and to make something fun that is accessible. my driving question is: How can I build a 2D game for an online audience so that I can make better games in the future? I plan to answer my driving question by working on my game and improving my skills in game development through practice and learning.