
"Thank you Ms. Rhonda for teaching me. I like reading and I like the program. " 1st grader, Katy, TX

"You make reading the best! You are the best!" 1st grader, Houston, TX

"Lexercise helps me spell better." 4th grader at ROBS, Houston, TX

"You were instrumental in helping us at the beginning of our journey with her dyslexia and we are so grateful for your teaching and guidance."  Kelly L., parent of 5th grader, Houston, TX

"We have been nothing but happy with our work with you and you are an important part of this journey." Susan M. parent of 2nd grader, Houston, TX

"I know our son is learning and growing but his pace is always a bit slower.  He’ll get there as long as we keep working hard and stay consistent!  Thank you for your hard work and dedication when working with him!" Eliza C. parent of 3rd grader, MN

 "Reading used to be such a chore for my daughter. After much frustration, we made the decision to look for help. Since working with Kristen, my daughter's self confidence has been boosted as well as her reading level. She was diagnosed as severely dyslexic, however now reads above grade level. I would highly recommend Kristen for any reading issues." parent, OK

"The Lexercise program was an easy and convenient way to continue good reading habits at home. The program offered fun games that my son enjoyed , and could not get enough of. His therapist, Ms. Hill, was so friendly and enjoyable. She taught my son simple, easy to learn, rules that help him improve his reading level dramatically.  I would recommend Ms. Hill and her program to anyone seeking dyslexia help."David, parent of 3rd grader, Katy, TX

"Just wanted to send a thank you to you for your assistance in 2020-2021.  K. Y. took her reading and writing SOLs this year and received advanced scores. Yours and Lexercise lessons stuck."  July 2023, parent R Q, VA

"Noah used to cry when he would see books; they were overwhelming to him.  Today he picked up this one and worked through it.  He read and read and just kept going. My husband and I were completely surprised. He couldn't have done this without you. This marks our 2 months with Mrs. Rhonda. Thank you! We appreciate you and look forward to the upcoming month! Yes, this is a simple starter first grade book but 2 months ago, he couldn't even sound out a few of the words. This is leaps and bounds for him!" Noah's mom, Harlingen, TX