Organizing Committee

GPLSI Group (Universidad de Alicante)

Estela Saquete Boro

Professor and PhD researcher in NLP

Alba Bonet Jover

PhD researcher in NLP

Robiert Sepúlveda Torres

PhD researcher in NLP

Patricio Martínez Barco

Professor and PhD researcher in NLP

OEG Group (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Carlos Badenes Olmedo 

Professor and PhD researcher in NLP

Ibai Guillén Pacho

PhD student in NLP

Isam Diab Lozano

PhD student in NLP

SINAI Group (Universidad de Jaén)

Isabel Cabrera de Castro

Researcher in NLP

María Teresa Martín Valdivia

Professor and PhD researcher in NLP

Luis Alfonso Ureña López 

Professor and PhD researcher in NLP