How to participate

Task subscription

If you want to participate and receive notifications fill the following Google form (FLARES Registration). First, a subset of the corpus will be released so that participants can see examples of each subtask and can create preliminary solutions. After the training set is released, participants will be able to submit their submission files using competitions created on Kaggle (after March 20).

Submission File

For each subtask, it is necessary to create a different submission file. This file must be CSV file with the comma separator.  Below we show examples for each subtask:


0,"[{'Tag_Start': 24, 'Tag_End': 45, '5W1H_Label': 'WHAT'}]"

1,"[{'Tag_Start': 0, 'Tag_End': 5, '5W1H_Label': 'WHO'}]"

2,"[{'Tag_Start': 0, 'Tag_End': 27, '5W1H_Label': 'WHERE'}, {'Tag_Start': 29, 'Tag_End': 40, '5W1H_Label': 'WHAT'}, {'Tag_Start': 44, 'Tag_End': 66, '5W1H_Label': 'WHAT'}]"




2,no confiable
