All The Little Things

This is the page for all those little details that will make things go just a little smoother!

  • Label the top of each drone with it's unique wifi address (I used a label-maker)
  • Label the top of each battery with an arrow indicating which way it is to be installed into the drone
  • Make small task posters with the steps listed for: getting equipment out; connecting drones to devices; flight safety; changing/charging batteries; putting equipment away..
  • I have a sign-in page for every club meeting. I can keep tabs on who is/isn't attending regularly.
  • I set up a Google Classroom for the club. Here I can share assignments, ideas, videos, and collaborative projects (such as our club logo design project)
  • Make instructional videos (or have students make them) demonstrating procedures. New members can watch these to catch up
  • Keep checking this space...