4/5 2019/2020 online work

(Link to printable worksheet)

Directions- Read about each robot below. Then select the best robot for each scenario, and answer the scenario questions. Complete one scenario each week. Write your answers on a sheet of paper, and email a picture of your completed work to Mr. Granahan.


The local hospital wants to make children feel more comfortable after they come out of surgery. Unfortunately, they cannot bring live animals like a dog or a cat to help relax the young patients, since some might have allergies. The hospitals can bring in robots and different types of artificial intelligence. What type of robot would you offer to the hospital?

1. What robot did you choose? _______________________

2. How does the robot work?

3. How does your robot benefit the young patients in the hospital?

4. Why is this robot the best choice compared to the other robot options?

5. Design a robot for scenario 1. Draw your robot in the box below, or on a seperate sheet of paper.

6. How is your robot different or better than the real robot you selected in question 1?


Scientists are interested in researching rock formations at the Grand Canyon. As they are exploring they discover a cave and have come to a point where humans can no longer fit through the opening. They are curious about the depth of the cave, and if there are any living plant life or insects present. What type of robot would you offer to the scientists to help with their research?

1. What robot did you choose? _______________________

2. How does the robot benefit the scientists researching the Grand Canyon?

3. Why is this robot the best choice compared to the other robot options?

4. Now you get to design a robot for scenario 2. Draw your robot in the box below.

5. How is your robot different or better than the real robot you selected in question 1?


NASA is interested in learning more about Jupiter’s moon Europa. Scientists have discovered that under the icy surface of Europa there is an ocean they would like to research and study. A mission this far into deep space has never been attempted before and NASA is starting to plan for this future event now. What type of robot would you offer NASA to send to Jupiter’s moon Europa?

1. What robot did you choose? _______________________

2. How does the robot work?

3. Why is this robot the best choice compared to the other robot options?

4. Now you get to design a robot for scenario 3. Draw your robot in the box below.

5. How is your robot different or better than the real robot you selected in question 1?


A candymaker just invented a new type of candy. Everyone who has tried the candy loves it. The problem is she has to hand wrap each piece of candy one at a time. The process of making and wrapping the candy is a secret. She can’t wrap the candy fast enough, if only there was a way robots could help her wrap the candy she could be rich. The candymaker does NOT know how to code or program a robot. Is there a robot listed above that can help the candymaker?

1. What robot did you choose? _______________________

2. How does the robot work?

3. How does the robot help the candymaker?

4. Why is this robot the best choice compared to the other robot options?

5. Design a robot for scenario 4. Draw your robot in the box below.

6. How is your robot different or better than the real robot you selected in question 1?


A team of archaeologists just discovered a hidden narrow passageway in the great pyramid in Egypt. The passageway is a narrow air shaft that the archaeologists want to explore. They attempted to lower a camera down the passageway but there are twists and turns, so the camera was not able to make it through. Does this air shaft connect to a hidden chamber filled with priceless ancient treasures, or does it lead to nothing? If there is gold how can they get to it? Which robot can help the archaeologists explore the passageway?

1. What robot did you choose? _______________________

2. How does the robot help the archaeologists exploring the passageway in the pyramid?

3. Why is this robot the best choice compared to the other robot options?

4. Now you get to design a robot for scenario 5. Draw your robot in the box below.

5. How is your robot different or better than the real robot you selected in question 1?


Beach treasure & trash robot. Sandy beaches across the world have a problem with pieces of metal left on the beach. Most of this metal is trash in the form of cans and bottle tops. Sometimes the metal is lost coins or jewelry. Environmentalists are looking to robots to help clean up the beaches. The ideal robot(s) would not only find and remove the metal from the beach, but separate the trash from the treasure. What type of robot would you suggest to help clean the metal from the sandy beaches?

1. What robot did you choose? _______________________

2. How does the robot help remove the metal from the beach?

3. Why is this robot the best choice compared to the other robot options?

4. Now you get to design a robot for scenario 5. Draw your robot in the box below.

5. How is your robot different or better than the real robot you selected in question 1?

Week of April 6th work

We just finished our circuit unit. Here is an online circuit builder that will work on your iPad. Use the link to build and test different circuits. Have fun.

