English 2

Research Projects

In English 2, we read texts from all of the world. For the research unit, students were asked to select a country we visited through reading and research the culture, traditions, or issues within that country. From there, they could communicate their findings through a short story, poem, or traditional research paper. These are some of their submissions! (Please note that students turned in the formal research and citations on a separate document).

Juliana Mun_ It's Dark Under the Lamp - JULIANA MUN (Student).pdf

Juliana Mun

"This short story by Juliana Mun highlights the struggles of many financially disadvantaged students in South Korea. It is a brief look into Hayoon's inability to swallow grief, relational problems and the way that she has tried to endure poverty with grit teeth. Like the famous Korean saying, It's Dark Under the Lamp, everyone sees her achievements, but they do not see the shadow and the deep struggles that comes with them. "

Claudia Guzman - Sister - CLAUDIA GUZMAN (Student).docx

Claudia Guzman

"This is a short story inspired by my research on the gender disparities in Mexico."

Addison Bartek - The Trip - ADDISON BARTEK (Student)

Addison Bartek

“This short story is about a lonely girl that is accepted into a program that allows her to travel to Germany. This takes her to a new level of her social life as she works around some of the ups and downs of taking a trip with other classmates. While she is there, she enjoys multiple cultural traditions and forms new relationships.

I have always wanted to go to Germany and see all of the wonderful places; maybe even go to their festivals, like Oktoberfest. This inspired me to write this short story and travel with my character as she enjoys her own journey.”

Freely Incarcerated - LANI GRACE ALVAREZ (Student)

Lani Grace Alvarez

"This is a poem about the struggle women in North Korea face on a daily basis and in the cells of prison confinement."

Tanvi Popuri - Independence - TANVI POPURI (Student).pdf

Tanvi Popuri

South Korea Children's Book (1) - MADDOX ROGERS (Student).pdf

Maddox Rogers

"This children's story was inspired by South Korean students and the academic pressure they face, as well as how it affects their mental health. In South Korea, talking to others about your personal mental health is seen as taboo. I wanted to make this story more non-traditional by having the main character eventually seek help, teaching kids that it's ok and very important to ask for guidance, and not to endure troubling times on their own."


This year, students had many opportunities to respond to different texts that we read through creative writing, art, and poetry. This led to students writing for fun in addition to the course work. Here are some of the students' amazing work this year!

A Whirl of Hope (2) - BROOKE BOLINGER (Student).pdf

Brooke Bolinger

"A Whirl of Hope"

Something More - BROOKE BOLINGER (Student).pdf

Brooke Bolinger

"Something More"

Distorted Reflections (1) - BROOKE BOLINGER (Student).pdf

Brooke Bolinger

"Disoriented Reflections"