Advanced Floral Design

(Enrollment Based) TECC

Course No. CTAFD

Semesters: 2; Credits: 1

Prerequisite: Floral Design

In this course, students build on the knowledge from Floral Design and are introduced to more advanced floral design concepts, with an emphasis on specialty designs and specific occasion planning. This course focuses on building skills in advanced floral design and providing students with a thorough understanding of the design elements and planning techniques used to produce unique specialty floral designs that support the goals and objectives of a specific occasion or event. Through the analysis and evaluation of various occasions and event types, students explore the design needs and expectations of clients and propose and evaluate appropriate creations. From conception to evaluation, students are challenged to create and design appropriate specialty floral designs that meet the needs of the client. Furthermore, an emphasis on budgetary adherence and entrepreneurship equips students with many of the necessary skills needed for success in floral enterprises. Additional fees may be associated with this course.